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AuthorThread Apoc SF Jedi Master Posts: 936 Registered: Jul 2000 Location: Las Vegas, NV USA Posted: 01:29:2001 11:51 AM If you have ever wanted to learn ol skool sf or never felt able to compete in it b4 now is the time. ST is at all major tournaments this year. And it really is a whole new ballgame. Why? ST is notoriously known for it's difficulty in the arcade if you are not using "dummy patterns". So to really be able to practice the highest damaging combos was pretty harsh. Especially when it comes to super cancels. ST probably gets more respect for the difficulty in cancelling supers from normals than any other SF. Yes it's done a bit differently by most...and to do it the same way as you would on others you have to be very quick in fact that the general SF population cancelled supers totally different than we do today...but that's another story. Bottom line:you just had a hard time making opportunities to practice certain combos because by the time you are done charging you've either already killed off the opponent or you may also mistime your cancel, waste the super, and have to charge again...all within the rounds time limit. So what did we do back then? The usual trade back and forth practices done solely for the purpose of that combo. Well, even that was pretty shitty. But wait!!! Here come the console STs for psx and Saturn!!! Now it will be different. Nope, we got jipped. No training mode. So we had to simulate the training by going into vs. with a mock opponent, charge up, and try it a couple times if you're lucky per round and then wait through loading to try again. No thanks. The reasons for why the cancel skills of ST are so respected is because there was never a real practice mode and just an opportunity to attempt one was hard to come by. Sure, most of the better ST players can cancel, but not consistantly enough to happen in tourneys often. And now we have the import ST for matchmaking service(ok I don't have one yet but I've played it). Within minutes I was supercancelling pretty consistantly and I had all of 5-10 minutes with the game. Because now after an attempt I can just go right ahead and try again. True, strategy is paramount as always in ST...but being able to practice something until you get it downpat earns you MUCH more damage for the openings you create or that your opponent gives you. One mistake can cost you 90% in some cases. As if you didn't have to play perfect enough with the damage of the game. Now a non-strategic yet skillfull player has a real chance at placing in one of the big ST tourneys. He could jump into 6 DPs and luckily hop one fireball combo, tick GGPO. So now we have to play even more perfectly since the stupidest thing could cost you the game against even a skill only player with minimal strategy. I've felt for the past few years that the US ST players are no where near where they used to be. But no real worries, no real need to practice unless you have a machine and comp like VA or as SHGL had for a while. Otherwise you were stuck with a friend and cpu at best mainly concentrating on strategies you'd forgotten. With all of the ST going on and advice here on srk, skills is the biggest part of what you need because everything else can be gained through posts or other things outside of playing. What does this mean really in the competitive sense? If ST players are smart enough to get the import...the tourneys are about to become A WHOLE LOT more intense and you can bet on major upsets as well. The gloves just came off of ST...even the better players should tighten their games up to ensure no harsh yet very possible upsets this year. And in Japan we were trippin' that Daigo was cancelling shorts into shinkuus like nothing as if it was Alpha or 3. Bet on a lot of players you've never heard of being able to do that like nothing as well soon. Happy STing...see ya at the Brawls Apoc. IP: Logged Monkey Street Fighter R Us Posts: 3996 Registered: Jan 2001 Location: State College, Pa Posted: 01:29:2001 07:35 PM Your the same Apoc that was interviewed on the b4 tapes right?!, (just making sure) And you have a extreamly good point on this post. -Monkey IP: Logged CrZyNip28 Da SaiGoN HuStLa Posts: 56 Registered: Dec 2000 Location: Santa Clara, CA, USA Posted: 01:30:2001 04:52 AM tru dat apoc IP: Logged REALPLAYER Senior Member Posts: 765 Registered: Sep 2000 Location: Posted: 01:30:2001 08:59 AM What SF game ISN'T Daigo good at!?! IP: Logged PinnaNokulous Unforgivable Bastard Posts: 200 Registered: Dec 2000 Location: las vegas, Nevada Posted: 01:30:2001 11:01 PM yeah bro tru dat IP: Logged All times are GMT. 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